
How can you use your time and talent to give glory to God?
Check out these ministries!

We reciprocate God's love by our words and actions. You are encouraged to prayerfully reflect on how God is calling you to use the gifts and talents that He has blessed you with.

Blanket Ladies: Meets every Tuesday from 9 am to 11 am in the Holy Family Room at OLC, where they tie fleece blankets, color Cards of Hope, and decorate Hope Boxes. Contributions are delivered to the Hope Center where they are filled with goodies for cancer patients and mailed out to recipients.

Catechist:  A Catechist is someone who teaches the Catholic faith to others. Both the Faith Formation program (FFP) and the Order of Christian Initiation for children (OCIC), are in need of people to share their faith. In the FFP program, catechists teach a specific grade level 1-2 times per month. Classroom aides are also needed for each grade to help get the classroom ready and be there for support. Catechists for the OCIC get to help kids or teens prepare for the Sacraments of Initiation.

Children's Liturgy of the Word: Also referred to as CLOW, is is a worship experience geared for children ages 4 - 7 that is offered at the 8:30am Mass at Holy Martyrs and at 10:00am Mass at OLC. During CLOW, teachers read an adaption of the readings, share a reflection, and engage kids through gesture, responses, song, or various activities. Training for leaders is offered.

Eucharistic Minister to the Homebound: Volunteers are needed to bring Holy Communion to our homebound parishioners and those in Merrillville nursing homes on a weekly basis to either one nursing home or 1-3 parishioners. Training is provided.

Finance Council:  Advises the Pastor on financial matters of the parish and school, several times per year. They are responsible for advising the pastor on large expenses and approving the annual budgets.

Fellowship Committee: This Committee primarily hosts Fellowship Sunday on the second Sunday of the month after all Masses and helps  greet, set up, serve donuts, coffee, and juice, and clean up. Volunteers are needed at both Holy Martyrs and OLC.

Friends in Christ: Our goal is to help those in our parish and community with temporary problems and challenge them to help themselves to resolve these problems. Our ministry manages the OLC Food Pantry that is stocked through the generosity of our parishioners and other parish ministries. We provide food to those in need once a month and special baskets on Thanksgiving, Christmas and Easter. To receive monthly food, please call the Friends in Christ phone line to leave your name, phone number and a brief message.

Food Pantry:  Volunteers to help assemble food bags for those in need. Food is given out once on the second Thursday of each month.

Hospitality Ministry:  This team helps brainstorm, discern, plan and implement various ways that our parish can help foster encounters with the love of Christ at every turn.

Knights of Columbus Holy Trinity Council #4047: A worldwide Catholic men s fraternal organization that brings Catholic men and their families together to put their faith in action through charitable works in the parishes we serve. If interested, contact Duane Forbes at 219-448-0621.

Music Ministry: If interested in joining the choir or playing an instrument at Mass, contact Melinda Reinhart at

Offertory Counters: A group that counts the funds collected at Mass each week.

Parish Pastoral Council: This Council meets monthly with the pastor to discuss concerns pertaining to the maintenance or mission of the parish. Council members are asked to reflect, discuss, and recommend solutions to the pastor. Another goal is to promote the parish mission to go and make disciples.

RCIA: The Rite of Christian Initiation prepares  adult candidates to receive the Sacraments of Initiation (Baptism, Holy Communion, and Confirmation). The RCIA Team meets weekly with candidates to pray, teach, discuss, and support them in their faith journey.

Rosary Group: All are welcome to meet in the chapel every Monday at 3:00 pm to pray the rosary. If Monday is a Holiday and the Parish office is closed, the rosary is said on Tuesday.

Stitching Sisters: A group of women that meet on second and fourth Tuesday morning monthly. They sew, quilt, knit, crochet and needlework to benefit local organizations.

Women’s Guild: Meets first Thursday of the month. Two major events we host are a Christmas party and baby shower for children in need. All ladies in the parish are welcome to join. We meet the first Thursday of every month in the Holy Family room at 6pm. Dues are $5.00.  No meetings in the months of January, February, June and December.

Vocation Cross Ministry: This ministry strives to foster vocations, especially those to the priesthood, religious life and the permanent diaconate. The ministry works to provide:

  1. Hospitality to all parishioners as we strive together to discern and follow God s call to live the plan that He has for each of us.
  2. Increased awareness of and information on vocations through the posted photos and biographies of our seminarians, our vocation themed literature rack, bulletin board, and bulletin announcements.
  3. Opportunities to pray for vocations by distributing Vocation prayers fro vocations, celebrating various Vocation Observances, and coordinating our Vocation Cross Ministry. This Ministry provides the opportunity for parishioners to host our Vocation Cross for a week at a time, praying for vocations to the priesthood, religious life and permanent diaconate.
  4. Support to our men and women studying for a religious vocation through periodically making notecards available for parishioners to send to these young men and women.
  5. Respect and support for our Pastor and those ordained or in religious life throughout our diocese.

For information on the Vocation Cross Ministry, or if you would like to volunteer on the Vocation Cross Ministry, please contact: Jean Collier  219-662-7933

55+ Seniors: Open to the entire community, seniors meet on the second Monday of each month (September through June )at 1pm at OLC.

To learn more about these ministries or get involved,
contact the parish office at 219-769-1755.